Sunday, April 15, 2018

【食】霹雳 怡保 - 西式 意大利 料理 @ Having's:对了,就是这个色泽、口感和味道!终于找到了crème brûlée

ENGLISH version is just right below the chinese post. 

还没写完【出走】泰国 曼谷2018 7天6夜 重游+不少初体验 就迫不及待想分享这个先,嘻嘻,因为我终于找到了失去/失散(?)多年的
crème brûlée的色泽、口感和味道!失而复得的感觉真的菲比开心,所以就赶着要和大家分享。为什么说是失去呢?就因为那怡保 Tambun 的 意大利餐馆 Italia Mia 的大厨回国(意大利吧,没真正问过所以只是个人随口猜测)了的关系,就此吃不到那被誉为怡保最地道(意大利风味)最好吃且熟悉的crème brûlée,还有那提拉米苏(tiramisu)了。是啦,我知道或许雪隆地区不难找到类似的,但是我还没时间去做资料搜查(或许好心的你读到这里想和我分享的话,那我当然万分感激也先致上万2分谢意),再加上每每到那里时间都很有限,逛街shopping花费时间不少但永不可免的(哈哈),因此这天偶然让我找回那味道的确很是兴奋,得来全不费工夫啊。

店面就在我爱的 霸罗渌渌 Paloh Lok Lok 同排。(话说经过看见这 霸罗渌渌 Paloh Lok Lok 还不经意咽了咽口水。我好想进去吃几串我爱的大大颗 siham 和 其它的啊!其实想吃好多美食,但怎能同时间都吃下去呢?懊恼)

(有点不知道自己在说什么了。或许是可能刚吃完晚餐 - 安顺炒粿条回来,所以脑有点缺氧了吧,><)
这天我们4人先点了1份意大利调味饭(mushroom pumpkin risotto)、2份香烤鸭胸肉蒜香意大利面(roasted duck breast pasta)、1份白酒煮海鲜意大利面(white wine sauce seafood pasta)和1份甜点 - 贝利雪糕巧克力心太软(chocolate fondant with bailey ice cream),后来想说时间还早,所以追加点了多1份甜点 - 菠萝蜜香草烤布雷(jackfruit vanilla crème brûlée)。如图下。
上图左上1:意大利调味饭(mushroom pumpkin risotto,rm25)。凤觉得这个是她在怡保吃过最好吃的risotto(虽然她是不吃蘑菇的)
上图左上中:香烤鸭胸肉蒜香意大利面(roasted duck breast pasta,rm30)。点这个的时候,服务生温馨响应了厨师推荐的烤鸭胸肉是半熟的(middle cooked),问说我们能接受吗?我是第1次听到说烤鸭肉也有的像牛肉般选择熟度(全熟或半数之类的),很是新鲜。既然鬼佬意大利厨师推荐半熟,那我们也跟着要了半熟烤鸭胸肉。鸭肉不错吃,鲜嫩多汁不太硬(我们边吃边谈说,难道平时的餐馆吃的鸭肉是全熟?因为嫩度好像没差。下次有机会吃的话,可要多加留意了)再来是那蒜香草油(herb oil),很独特,是我第1次尝到的滋味,不错吃,不排测但有又说不出当中的感觉;再来就是那意大利面,Q而顺滑,是我喜爱的意大利口感(这道菜1定不合LGZ口味,因为他喜欢不Q的。)
上图左下1:白酒煮海鲜意大利面(white wine sauce seafood pasta,rm35)。好吃,有酒香,还有2-3只中虾和3-4只蛤蜊(蚝)。
上图左下中:菠萝蜜香草烤布雷(jackfruit vanilla crème brûlée,rm15)。曾经听说(忘了是谁,若有错误,记得告诉我),烤布雷好吃与否的决定性在于上桌前最后烧焦糖的功夫。焦糖不可撒太厚,太厚的话,吃起来就不够薄脆;烧焦糖的火候不可太猛,过猛会黑焦,影响味道和色泽。这个全都刚刚好!好像吃到了Italia Mia的版本的同时,不同的是,它是升华版的,因为里头添加了菠萝蜜果肉,所以很特别,爱吃菠萝蜜的凤和我都吃到津津有味,唯独佳和文雯吃到1半就停了下来,因为她们不喜爱吃菠萝蜜。不过,觉得它有点过甜,如果可以减甜度的话就至上了(忘了Italia Mia的了,毕竟有点儿久了,只知道好久没吃到那口感和色泽而已)不过,怎样都是个甜点,甜也不为过。嘻嘻。
上图最右:贝利雪糕巧克力心太软(chocolate fondant with bailey ice cream,rm25)。是凤的好友介绍的。摆盘好像阴阳哦!哈哈。我们都喜欢它的贝利雪糕,味道独特,有像有酒的rum雪糕酱;巧克力心太软就有点过甜酱,或许参多有了年纪的人多,最近的饮食都偏较健康路线去了(我就是不认老,lol)
大家吃了都很满意,尤其是带我们来的凤友人更是赞不绝口,1直称赞他的好友没介绍错。唯独最后1道甜点烤布雷crème brûlée恰巧有友人佳和文雯不爱吃的菠萝蜜(jackfruit)而停下来;反之我和凤每道菜都吃得不亦乐乎(我们都是1起点然后分着吃的),很满足,吃到最后开始觉得撑了也都不浪费的用完,毕竟真的很不错。
贴心的服务生在端上白酒煮海鲜意大利面(white wine sauce seafood pasta)时也送上了空盘子1个,以装蛤蜊和虾壳,服务不错。

题外话:我没有在餐牌上看到提拉米苏(tiramisu)这甜点,真心希望这道甜点有朝1日会出现在餐牌上,毕竟我对那道地的意大利提拉米苏还是满怀思念!(我忘了声明,我其实还没去过意大利(虽然我早在很多年前就1直想去),没吃过真正意大利餐,所有标准都是从Italia Mia餐馆那里(学)吃回来的;加上‘吃’这回事是很个人的,所以读到这里的你若有什么意见,欢迎分享,有机会的话,更希望能1起指教研讨,嘻嘻,先谢啦)

地址:8,Pusat Perdagangan Canning 3,Pusat Perdagangan Canning,31400 Ipoh,Perak,Malaysia。
营业时间:上午11 时 半 至 中午 2 时 半;傍晚 6 时 半 至 晚间 9 时 半(休 礼拜1)
电话:+6017 - 453 9089

- 完 -

Looking for an authentic italian bite of crème brûlée is my all time mission ever since the closing of italian restaurant in Tambun Ipoh few years back, by the name of Italia Mia if u still have in mind. Back then, there were not many fine dining restaurants or cafes like now. The top 3 and the few fine dining restaurants were the Indulgence, Citrus and Italia Mia. Italia Mia is near to my housing area thus been there few times. Its chef is a non Malaysian but I am not sure of where he is from, an Italian, I guess because he can make very delicious and authentic italian dessert, haha.

I have never been to any Europe country, to date though it's already in my wish years back. So, the taste of  an authentic bite of italian crème brûlée is according to what I have tried in Italia Mia. The like of taste is kind of individual and thus, it's very subjective. If any of u reading this and not agree what I am gonna share next, or I would love to see ur sharing info with me at below, thanks for ur kindness and fyi as well.

Someone told me before, the making of crème brûlée is crucial at its last step before serving, where the caramel layer cannot be too thick also the flame using to burn the caramel must be at appropriate timing and not too hot one, if overburnt will gonna leave a bitter taste and vice versa. I have never had a satisfied bite of crème brûlée or maybe almost got a list of okay-okay crème brûlée in mind until I triedb4 I came to try this crème brûlée, at the Having's. It can tell  its authentic at ur first bite of it. The burnt caramel layer's thickness is good enough where u can break it easily (still remember, there are few of those crème brûlée that I had having too thick layer of burnt caramel thus, u cant break the caramel layer and the whole layer of burnt caramel came out straight away, those were the time when I started to realize that not everyone can make a nice crème brûlée, haha. Yup, back then I was not appreciate a good crème brûlée, as it looks simple and easy in making, dont u think so, lol)  

Having's crème brûlée is authentic and is a fusion version as it contains jackfruit cubes in it. For a jackfruit lover like me and Cf, we love this so much. However, I would love it to max if it can taste a little bit less sweet. LOL.It's a dessert afterall so why care its sweetness? haha. Well, I wish to stay healthy while having a nice dessert too. Yes, I am just too much, I know. Hehee.
Half opened kitchen that allows u to see the handsome Italian chef, in his busy, looking so serious to making the best taste of every single dish that u order.
Simple yet complete menu, there has enough choices of appetizer, main course and desserts to fix ur taste.
Top picture first from the left is mushroom pumpkin risotto,rm25. Cf claims it to be the best risotto she had so far in Ipoh, though she does not eat mushroom at all, LOL.
Top picture in the middle is roasted duck breast pasta,rm30. We were blanked by the question on the preference of cooked level of the roasted duck. Little did we know that we can choose the cooked level of roasted duck, just like when steak! This is so new to me. Luckily, waiter did mention that chef recommendation is middle cooked. Thus, we follow without hesitation.
Middle cooked roasted duck meat tastes so juicy and good enough to get bite. We were wondering duck meat tenderness if not middle cooked, LOL. Next, it's about the herb oil, it tastes new to me, still early to conclude that I love it but I do like it. Their pasta is chewy enough to my liking but I am sure my hub not gonna like it because he always prefer a soft and easy to bite pasta which is always overcooked and not recommended by most cook and not even by many of the pasta recipes.
Bottom row most left picture: white wine sauce seafood pasta,rm35. Nice one with the good taste of white wine, served with quite a few of middle size prawns and oysters.
Bottom row in the middle: jackfruit vanilla crème brûlée,rm15. I will surely come back for this as I finally found my liking of crème brûlée. 
Most left picture : chocolate fondant with bailey ice cream,rm25. It looks like 'Yin & Yang' ! So creative, I would say, LOL. We came all the way for this. Yup, we were here for lunch and there's always room for dessert so we already include this in our order at the very beginning. We like the bailey ice cream, kinda special as it tastes like rum. A very close friend of Cf who is a guy that recommended this place and this dessert especially to her that made up to this lunch opportunity, and we can guess that he loves sweet stuffs that much as girls as we do find the chocolate fondant taste very sweet at its first bite. It's a dessert afterall, so we are not to complain much. Just that, I am wondering is the health awareness rising when we age that leading to the comments of too salty and too sweet of the 'recent food' that we just had? While I personally feel that, it actually tastes all the same, as delicious as the first time I tried them all but the feedback can be so much different at times, or is it that I am the only one that cannot tell the difference because I just love the good food so much, LOL. Well, will share with u the 'recent food' if I have time to write them in english. I blogged it b4 but in chinese so far. Hope u can bear with me, LOL.
That's all for this time. Hope to be back soon. Sincerely hope that tiramisu with be in their menus soon as I have yet to found the authentic Italian tiramisu that I like. LOL, what kind of wish and request is this? People, pls ignore me, hehe.

Address:8,Pusat Perdagangan Canning 3,Pusat Perdagangan Canning,31400 Ipoh,Perak,Malaysia。
Operating Hours:11.30pm to 2.30pm;6.30pm to 9.30pm(closed on Monday)
Contact:+6017 - 453 9089

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